Fountain of Life Braintree
FOL HOUSE (Rear Unit)
85-91,East Street,
Essex, CM7 3JW
Phone: +44(0)1376 551772
Or use our contact form.
Our weekly and monthly programmes are available here
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The Sunday School
The Sunday School is a divinely approved Christian Educational setting within the framework of the body of Christ that compliments the efforts of the local Church.
Every student is afforded the opportunity of a systematic study of the RCCG fundamental beliefs and doctrines in the Holy bible.
“Till we all come in the unity of faith and the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” Ephesians 4:13.
In RCCG FOL, Sunday school is between 10:30am and 11 am every Sunday morning. The RCCG UK Sunday school manual is used. Various interesting topics are discussed such as: The Most High, Temptation, Victory over sin, Meekness, The Chosen Ones, Heaven, Hell, Life, Passing God’s test, Absolute Obedience, Doubt, Integrity etc. It is an interactive teaching where students are free to ask questions and teachers answers the student’s questions based on the Living Word of God.
Keep on renewing your mind for the Almighty God to see that your capacity has been enlarged so that He can reveal Himself more and more. You are the one that can stop the revelation of God through you.
You are welcome to join us.