(RCCG) Fountain of Life, Braintree
(RCCG) Fountain of Life,    Braintree

Where to find us:

Fountain of Life Braintree

FOL HOUSE (Rear Unit)

85-91,East Street,


Essex, CM7 3JW

Phone: +44(0)1376 551772

email: info@rccgfol.org.uk


Or use our contact form.


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Braintree CHOIR


The choir department is one of the many departments in RCCG Fountain of Life Braintree, made up of men, women and children who have come together to use their talents to praise and worship God through songs and playing of instruments. The choir leads the church in the praise and worship section of the Sunday service and the mid-week bible study.

Psalm 100:4

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.



  • To glorify God and to humbly serve Him in the spirit of excellence
  • To share the gospel of Jesus Christ through songs
  • To lead the congregation into the divine presence of God through thanksgiving, praise and worship.
  • Provide an avenue through which individuals use their gifts (singing and playing of instruments) to praise and worship God.


Psalm 145:5

I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works.



  • Adult Choir
  • Teenage Choir
  • Children’s Choir



Membership is open to anyone who has accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal saviour and has a desire to serve God through the music ministry.



The choir hold its weekly rehearsal on

Saturdays - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

First Saturdays of the month – 5:00pm to 8:00pm

The later being a day set apart to wait on the Lord and spend an hour in His presence encouraging one another in the word of God.



  • Members are expected to be present and on time for rehearsals and services. Where this is not possible, members should contact the choir leader informing them on the situation.
  • When a member is absent from the rehearsal, the individual will not minister with the choir at the Sunday service.
  • Members are expected to remain the choir stand for the duration of the worship service
  • Members are expected to arrive by 9:45am on Sundays to participate in the ministers prayers with the pastor.
  • Member who failed to attend the above meeting will not be able to minister even though they attended the rehearsal.

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© Fountain of Life Braintree 2018