(RCCG) Fountain of Life, Braintree
(RCCG) Fountain of Life,    Braintree

Where to find us:

Fountain of Life Braintree

FOL HOUSE (Rear Unit)

85-91,East Street,


Essex, CM7 3JW

Phone: +44(0)1376 551772

email: info@rccgfol.org.uk


Or use our contact form.


Our weekly and monthly programmes are available here

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Welcome to RCCG FOL Braintree House Fellowships



Right from time immemorial, homes have been the divine focus for spiritual blessings ranging from divine instructions in righteousness to different forms of discipline if need be.



The apostles went from house to house to fellowship. This affords the opportunity to know members of the local church more. It helps in identifying the needs of the members and encourages a closer relationship among members. It is an avenue to be “your brothers’ (and sisters’) keeper. This is especially essential in this day and age we live in where almost anything can be done via the internet with little or no face to face interaction with others.


“And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart” Acts 2:46



At the House Fellowships, we interact with one another sharing and caring for one another in an atmosphere of love.



At RCCG FOL Braintree, we have house fellowships for various groups as follows: Children, (Ages 2 - 12); Teens (ages 13 - 19) and Adults (Ages 20 and above) at 5 different centres. We use the RCCG House Fellowship teaching manuals to help with an in-depth study of the Holy bible for personal and spiritual development.


You are invited to join any of our centres. Please call 01376551772 for further information.



May your joy know no bounds as you join us at one of our centres.


Thank you and God bless you.

RCCG FOL, Braintree House Fellowship Team

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© Fountain of Life Braintree 2018