(RCCG) Fountain of Life, Braintree
(RCCG) Fountain of Life,    Braintree

Where to find us:

Fountain of Life Braintree

FOL HOUSE (Rear Unit)

85-91,East Street,


Essex, CM7 3JW

Phone: +44(0)1376 551772

email: info@rccgfol.org.uk


Or use our contact form.


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The Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom
Our Core Beliefs


The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) affirms its belief in the Holy Bible as the infallible and authoritative word of God given to guide all men and women to salvation.

Our doctrines and liturgy, therefore, derive from the Holy Bible. As a Christian organisation, all we do is underpinned by prayer, even as we seek spiritual intervention and guidance for every decision taken in furtherance of our objectives.

We are open to the general public in the quest to reach our world and communities with the Christian message of salvation informed by God's unconditional love for all persons.

Wherever we operate, our steadfast commitment is towards upholding our communities, beginning with the family unit which forms the core of society. In this regard, we ensure that every precaution is taken to care for, nurture and protect children in our care in order to forestall any emotional, physical, or spiritual abuse. Furthermore, we encourage families to stay together in order to build a healthy society. Hence, we provide pastoral care and guidance to our members with the objectives of promoting Christ-likeness and the upholding of family life.
As a church, the RCCG therefore remains firmly committed to the promotion of inclusion within our society and the guarantee of spiritual care to our members, whether adults or children. These values are what we have imbibed and continue to advance in our entire vocational activities and interface with secular society.

We do not condone, encourage or engage in any form of physical, emotional and psychological abuse. We believe that children are the heritage of the Lord (Psalm 127:3) and that if one trains up a child in the way he/she should go, when they are old, they will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). We, however, acknowledge that ultimately, children are the primary responsibility of their parents; therefore, parents within the RCCG are encouraged to judiciously exercise discretion in teaching their children how to worship God.

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© Fountain of Life Braintree 2018